Rest and detoxification of the body in one


You know that

Is the sauna among the most effective methods of detoxifying the body?

Sauna helps improve blood circulation and supports the body’s detoxification process. During the sauna, toxins are moved from the tissues into the bloodstream, from where they are subsequently transported to the liver. In the liver, they are transformed into substances that are then safely excreted from the body.

Why is detoxification of the body so important?

Our body constantly faces attacks from harmful substances from the environment. These substances can weaken our body and immune system, which can lead to various diseases and chronic conditions.

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What happens to the heart in the sauna

In the hot air of a sauna, the heart can increase its rate from the usual 60 beats per minute to around 100 beats or more. After cooling down, the heartbeat returns to normal. This process not only strengthens the heart but also promotes blood circulation and overall vitality of the body.

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Is the sauna really for everyone?

The sauna works as an excellent prevention of heart diseases and, according to research, even people with mild and stable heart disease do not need to avoid it. However, if you suffer from unstable angina pectoris or have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, then you should avoid the sauna.

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What can you look forward to?

A proven classic

Finnish Sauna


90-100 °C


10-20 %


5-15 min

Ideal for beginners

Herbal Sauna


40-50 °C


10-20 %


10-30 min

Steam Bath


40-50 °C


90-100 %


10-20 min

Sauna with steam boost


80-90 °C


10-30 %


10-15 min

Salt Sauna


40-55 °C


15-30 %


10-25 min

Tropical Sauna


50-60 °C


50-60 %


10-25 min

Regularity is the key

Regularity is key for the long-term health benefits of sauna use. Although occasional visits to the sauna will help the body to relax and replenish energy, for a real and long-term effect it is advisable to go to the sauna at least once a week. Try the sauna for free

Come and relax with us

Centrum Černý Most
Chlumecká 765/6,
198 00 - Praha

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 770 132 137

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OC Westfield Chodov
Roztylská 2321/19,
148 00 - Praha 4

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 774 626 703

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Galerie Harfa
Českomoravská 2420/15a,
190 00 - Praha 9

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 773 792 271

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Centrum Krakov
Lodžská 850/6,
181 00 - Praha 8

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 771 133 414

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OC Galerie Butovice
Radlická 117,
158 00 - Praha 5

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 777 798 434

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VIVO! Hostivař
Švehlova 1391/32,
102 00 - Praha 10

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: Po - Ne: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 778 744 929

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Nádražní 681/2a,
602 00 - Brno

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 776 747 571

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Campus Square
Netroufalky 770, 625 00
Brno-Starý Lískovec

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 773 771 457

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Forum Liberec
Soukenné náměstí 669/2a
460 80 - Liberec 1

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 770 148 370

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Orlice park shopping
Víta Nejedlého 1063, 500 03
Hradec Králové

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 771 132 526

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Novinářská 6a, 702 00
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 775 878 995

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Avion Ostrava
Rudná 3114/114
700 30 - Ostrava

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 736 470 363

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Central Kladno
P. Bezruče 3388,
272 01 - Kladno

Eskalátory se vypínají ve 21:00,
využijte výtah.

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 736 250 731

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Thermal Resort
Ivana Petroviče Pavlova 2001/11
Karlovy Vary 360 01

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 09:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 733 153 583

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IGY Centrum České Budějovice
Pražská tř. 1247/24, 370 04
České Budějovice

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +420 604 359 094

Branch detail

OC Aupark Bratislava
Einsteinova 18, 851 01 Petržalka,

Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 9:00 – 23:00
Tel.: +421 911 984 040

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Sauna helps

Helps against depression

You know that The study found that participants who visited the sauna 2-3 times a...

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Relieves stress

You know that A 2018 study found that people who visited a sauna 2-3 times...

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Relieves fatigue

You know that Regular sauna use can reduce feelings of fatigue by up to 65%?...

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Helps with weight loss

You know that Even at 43 °C, body fat melts in the human body and...

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