Price list
Week days
departure by 17:00
Unlimited time
Week days
departure after 17:00
120 minutes
Weekends and holidays
120 minutes
Arrival after 20:45
Valid every dayAll-day admission
Valid every dayLoyalty account
449 CZK
449 CZK
449 CZK
369 CZK
579 CZK
Common price
499 CZK
499 CZK
499 CZK
419 CZK
629 CZK
329 CZK
329 CZK
329 CZK
249 CZK
459 CZK
Summer special price
Unlimited time Valid every dayArrival after 20:45
Valid every dayLoyalty account
Common price
- Rental of towels and sheets is free
- 10 minutes to the locker room for free
- The customer must leave the branch by 11:00 p.m
- If he does not do so, he will be charged a fee of CZK 90
- U 120 minutových vstupů je účtováno překročení 3,25 CZK/min, maximum surcharge 130 CZK
Week days
departure by 17:00
Unlimited time
Week days
departure after 17:00
120 minutes
Weekends and holidays
120 minutes
Arrival after 20:45
Valid every dayAll-day admission
Valid every dayLoyalty account
439 CZK
439 CZK
439 CZK
359 CZK
569 CZK
Common price
489 CZK
489 CZK
489 CZK
409 CZK
619 CZK
319 CZK
319 CZK
319 CZK
239 CZK
449 CZK
Summer special price
Unlimited time Valid every dayArrival after 20:45
Valid every dayLoyalty account
Common price
- Rental of towels and sheets is free
- 10 minutes to the locker room for free
- The customer must leave the branch by 11:00 p.m
- If he does not do so, he will be charged a fee of CZK 90
- U 120 minutových vstupů je účtováno překročení 3,25 CZK/min, maximum surcharge 130 CZK
60 minutes
180 minutes
Večerní od 18.00
499 CZK
699 CZK
999 CZK
599 CZK
Child (under 15 years)
299 CZK
499 CZK
699 CZK
399 CZK
Family 2+1
1 099 CZK
1 599 CZK
2 399 CZK
1 399 CZK
Family 2+2
1 399 CZK
1 999 CZK
2 999 CZK
1 799 CZK
Family 1+2
999 CZK
1 399 CZK
2 099 CZK
1 199 CZK
60 minutes
180 minutes
Večerní od 18.00
449 CZK
649 CZK
949 CZK
549 CZK
Child (under 15 years)
249 CZK
449 CZK
649 CZK
349 CZK
Family 2+1
1 049 CZK
1 549 CZK
2 349 CZK
1 349 CZK
Family 2+2
1 349 CZK
1 949 CZK
2 949 CZK
1 749 CZK
Family 1+2
949 CZK
1 349 CZK
2 049 CZK
1 149 CZK
60 minutes
180 minutes
Večerní od 18.00
329 CZK
529 CZK
829 CZK
429 CZK
Child (under 15 years)
129 CZK
329 CZK
529 CZK
229 CZK
- Rental of towels and sheets is free
- 10 minutes to the locker room for free
- The customer must leave the branch by 11:00 p.m
- If he does not do so, he will be charged a fee of CZK 90
- U 120 minutových vstupů je účtováno překročení 3,25 CZK/min, maximum surcharge 130 CZK
Week days
departure by 17:00
Unlimited time
Week days
departure after 17:00
120 minutes
Weekends and holidays
120 minutes
Arrival after 20:45
Valid every dayAll-day admission
Valid every dayLoyalty account
21 EUR
21 EUR
21 EUR
17 EUR
28 EUR
Common price
23 EUR
23 EUR
23 EUR
19 EUR
30 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
12 EUR
23 EUR
Summer special price
Unlimited time Valid every dayArrival after 20:45
Valid every dayLoyalty account
Common price
- Rental of towels and sheets is free
- 10 minutes to the locker room for free
- The customer must leave the branch by 11:00 p.m
- If he does not do so, he will be charged a fee of EUR 5
- U 120 minutových vstupů je účtováno překročení 0,2 EUR/min, maximum surcharge 7 EUR