Temperature: 50-60 °C
Humidity: 50-60 %
Recommended: 10-25 min
Enjoy the tropical humidity
Our tropical sauna is ideal for those that don’t prefer high temperatures. The lower temperature is compensated by higher humidity, which leads to the same effect of warming and health benefits as in the case of the Finnish sauna. Thanks to the imitation of the tropical humid climate, the tropical sauna offers benefits in treating asthma, respiratory diseases, rheumatism, muscle problems and chronically cold feet.

Main advantages
Lower temperature
Higher humidity
Does not dry out the respiratory
tract or hair -
Softens skin
Suitable for people with asthma

Do you know that?
…the tropical sauna brings health benefits to the respiratory tract, which is moistened by steam and helps the natural cleansing process as well as the creation of mucosa defence mechanisms?
For more, see